Saturday, March 5, 2011

Clermont Ferrand

Saturday, Azra and I visited the city of Clermont Ferrand, with our good friend Ethan, who is studying abroad in Paris. Clermont Ferrand is about 30 minutes away from Vichy by train. The weather was absolutely beautiful. We spent the day sightseeing, window shopping, and strolling through a very interesting city full of tight alleyways, fountains, hills, and a cathedral made of volcanic rock.

Naš drug iz srednje škole Ethan, studira u Parizu. Danas nas je posjetio pa smo skupa otputovali do susjednog grada koji se zove Clermont Ferrand. Bilo nam je lijepo.


beartifix said...

The architecture and the gardens are breath-taking. You girls look absolutely gorgeous. So glad you got to see Ethan. He's got a nice beard going for him. :)
Miss you & love you!

Josh said...

The statue in the water: I try so hard not to laugh, but even at 29 years old I can't help it.

Cody said...

I'm with Josh about the statue! but the rainbow fountain made me go "aaaaawwww" :D Also love the last picture

Dennis said...

I like the statue also and I'm over 29. Don't kiss the frog. I'm enjoying France.