Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Dortmund, Germany

Last weekend Azra and I traveled to Dortmund, Germany to visit family. This trip was especially important to us because we spent three years of our childhood there. Visiting our old day care, strolling through familiar parks, and stopping by our old apartment brought back a lot of fond memories. But what made this trip unforgettable was all the time spent with our family. 

Proslog smo vikenda bile u Dortmundu gdje smo posjetile nasu dragu familiju i obisle mjesta gdje smo provele dio naseg djetinjstva. Koristimo priliku da se jos jednom zahvalimo svima a posebno nasoj dragoj Zerin.  Bilo je nezaboravno! Hvala za sve!!

Familija Vöpel
Tetka Zekija
Tetka Zekija's Garden/ Tetkina Basta
Wiki! (Tetka Zekija's Dog)
Iris! She remembers us!!
Azra's cubbie was the duck, mine was the train.
Our Room
Our Old Apartment in Dormund
Park Wischlingen
This wasn't there when we were in Germany, so naturally we had to try it out.
Yup, this passes our fun test.
An Old Favorite
Nasa Draga Zerina!
Pizza Dinner
Flohmarkt Number 1
Cool Boat
Dorucak kod Sarajlia- Zlatko i Zineta Spavaju :)

The U Museum, a New Addition to Dortmund's Skyline
They had these Rhino's all around town painted in various ways.
Vecera kod Tetke Fike. Yum!
Cake! Kuchen!
Tetka Fiko

Wie Teuer?
BVB Stadium
Park Westfalia
Westfalia Tower
Amra Grabing Some Real Estate
Mark at the Kirchlinde Soccer Game

Daniel- Team Captain after Winning the Game
Family Dinner
Daniel- Grill Master
Just Cookin' His Own Steak

Our Last Day, We Can't Wait to Go Back!


beartifix said...

talk about going down a memory lane...

Dennis said...

Did you find Suada's keys? Hahaha