Wednesday, February 23, 2011


 Is she really leaving?? Tuesday night was Mama's last here in Vichy. We have to admit,  her departure felt rather sudden.

Mama se vraca kuci i usput ostavlja mrvice da se njeni pilici znaju vratiti kuci.
Mama, where are you going? Mama, gdje si posla?
 We said our final goodbyes at the train station, and waved goodbye until the train left. Mama, thank you for everything you have done! You will be very much missed, Vichy is not the same without you!

Rastanak je bio tuzan. Mama se vraca kuci tuzna ali ponosna.

Draga nasa mama. Hvala za sve. Sve bi bilo puno teze bez tebe.
Ti si nam puno olaksala i uljepsala ovo putovanje.
Tek sto si otisla a vec nam puno nedostajes.
Sretan put mama.Tvoji pilici.

Volimo te Mama!


Dennis said...

Did she tell you that she was serious? LOL

beartifix said...

Yay, I'm getting my mama back!
Now I only have to count down till you guys come home. :(