Sunday, February 20, 2011

Super Sweet Saturday

Saturday, our first in Vichy, began like every other morning- with a hearty breakfast. The only exception is that Amra prepared it this time marking our transition into the domestic realm. While munching on our scrambled eggs and bread we all felt the eerie sensation of being watched. A glance out our window revealed a plump, organge cat staring at us from the balcany of an apartment building across the street. He was probably envious of our warm, cozy situation. U subotu je Amra preuzela kuhinju i pripremila nam ukusan dorucak. (Necemo biti gladne kad Mama ode!) Macak nas je posmatrao sa susjednog balkona dok smo dorucovale.
After breakfast we trekked over to a local Aldi, which Amra and Mama and located on the internet the other day. While the prices there definitely rival those of the grocery stores closer to our apartment, the long walk (1.8 km one-way) through a somewhat sketchy part of the city diminishes the value of such a trip. In short, we probably won't be going there again. I might add that lugging a grocery laden shopping bag for that long of a distance is no easy feat.  It also reveals our one but an American would buy that many groceries in one outing. Amra i Mama su pronasle Aldi na interntu, pa smo odsetala (1.8 km u jednom pravcu) do Aldija. Po amerckim navikama natrpale smo dvije velike kes, a zaboravile smo da se moramo vratiti nazad 1.8 km.

 We somehow managed to drag our groceries up to our apartment without losing any limbs (though I did get a blister from the experience). After that excursion, we went to a Crêpe shop where we enjoyed the treats pictured below. This was followed by yet another round of gift shopping. And because we hadn't consumed enough sugar, we stopped by a bakery on our way home and bought some jelly-filled donuts, which we devoured while Skyping with Tata, which was the sweetest part of the day. Poslije duge a i teske "setnje" pocastile smo se sa palacinkama. Kad smo se vratile u nas stan, pozvale smo Tatu na ukusne krofne.
Salkina kcerka
Tired after our expedition to Aldi. Uf, ali smo umorne!
Crêpe with Nutella and a Cup of Hot Chocolate
Crêpe with Rasberry Jam and a Cup of Tea

Crêpe with Butter, Sugar, and a Cup of Coffee
Tata nam je bio najsladi  dio dana!

Around eight o'clock in the evening Amra and I got dolled up to go to a get together for the all the IBF students. There we met many friendly and interesting people. This will definitely be a fun semester! To vece smo se skupili sa ostalim internacionalnim studentima. Bilo nam je lijepo.


beartifix said...

You girls are gorgeous!

Cody said...

Loving the blogging, the pictures and stories are great and totally making me jealous. Is it mean if I am looking forward to the first mention of homework? ;-) jk